Rain puddles and stormy days
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Chickens past and present
The hot weather has been a disaster for us. Our first hatched chick, all grown up into a very sweet chicken called Fluff, died in the heat about a week ago. Tears and sad faces all round, but nothing compared to the sorrow that greeted the loss of Snowball a day later.

Snowball was a chicken of great gorgeousness who would sit on your knee and chat for ages, even watching your face to see if you'd say anything back to her odd little noises. She used to trot around the garden after me, and she was a devoted friend to the chicken who came with her when she joined us. I've no idea how old she was when we got her, but she had a happy year here. Losing her was terrible - like losing a cat or a dog that's been with your family for years.
So, those were chickens past.
Chicken now present:

Her name is now Cookie Monster, because she's a (rare) cuckoo silkie. Pleased to report that she's deranged even beyond the usual silkie frame of reference, and I've already had to remove her from buckets, thunderstorms and small spaces that obviously look good to a girl who's used to less interesting ones.