Rain puddles and stormy days
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
And the thing about my disappearance was that these have been hard times indeed. Horrid things happened, and then more horrid things happened. Not that I wish to turn into a moany old rainwoman, and this blog is browsed by raindrops sometimes anyway. So.
But here I am, pattyyummycake! Mwah!!

Bigfoot's first quiff
Prompted by the fabulously yummy pattycake, I have galvanised myself and taken photos of my Young Man in his chick adolescence.
It would be fair to say that they're not the best photos ever, but then, he's not the easiest subject ever! And you definitely get the idea about his Elvis-type hair arrangements!
He's the sweetest little thing - very timid and not keen on the camera, as you can see on this roosting rooster pose: